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Executive Cleaners Dry Cleaning in New Haven CT

Cleaning Leather and Suede

Cleaning Your LeatherScreen Shot 2014-03-20 at 1.02.36 PM

  • Have all matching pieces cleaned at the same time
  • Give us any care information that came with the garment.
  • Point out any stains. Old, set stains cannot always be removed safely
  • Don’t be surprised if we ask you to sign a consent form before cleaning. This will occur only if there is some question about clean-ability


Expectations After Cleaning

Leather garments are made of skins taken from various portions of the animal and usually from several different animals. The manufacturer tries to match the skins so that your garment is a uniform as possible, but even with best matching, there will some variance in texture, weight and color uniformity. These variations may be accentuated after cleaning.

Loss of Color

Be prepared to see a slight variance in the depth of color after cleaning. In manufacturing, the tanner immersed the skin in a dye to obtain a uniform color, but skins from various parts of the animal may vary in colorfastness. Some dyes used in leathers are very soluble in dry-cleaning fluids. This may  result in a drastic overall color loss.

The cleaner can correct some color loss and variance, but must rely on spray dyeing, which will not dye the suede or leather to the same degree as the original immersion process.

Loss of Oils

During tanning, leathers are impregnated with oils to keep them supple. Some of of these oils are lost in cleaning, and although the professional leather cleaner has special additives to restore suppleness, there could be some change in feel or hand of the garment.